Corporate Wear: Do it like this
Olympic team.

No branding, no standing. You can also customize Noser Fashion, for example with your high-quality embroidered company logo, with certain colors, buttons or applications. The perfect look for the team strengthens cohesion and is at the same time a great incentive for each individual. Many things are possible, just talk to us.

We are proud to be the official supplier of the Liechtenstein Olympic Team. We have also been able to develop ideas for many companies.

Unsere Referenzen

LGT Bank Liechtenstein / Etavis AG / Polestar Space Zürich
Altherr AG (Jaguar / Landrover)  / Geistlich Pharma AG / Architekturbüro Hasler
Caravane Treyvaud / Elrec AG  / Rotary Club / Barmettler Gruppe
Weitere Restaurants, Vereine und Gastrobetriebe

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